Monday, May 3, 2010

Mother's Day

Today we learned about MOTHERS! We read Are You My Mother? And we made a special Mother's Day gift. So if your child forgets to give it to you on Sunday maybe you could remind him/her. The sight word we worked on today was "by". The kids found hidden rhyming eggs ending in y (my, try, by etc). They each got to take one home. Since it was a new month, they kids helped me set up the calendar. We worked together on finding the right number and putting it in order on the calendar. It was a good way to review numbers.

They had some good play time in the basement--especially after they found a spider. :) Then it turned into a tarantula, then it was a "spider full of poison". Mason was quick to explain that tarantula's are just another kind of spider and only orange spiders have poison. :) Then we painted the covers of our All About Me books and had pizza, bananas and yogurt for lunch. Everyone rode bikes outside and then. . .

We came in and drew our families for our All About Me books. I'm still laughing about it now. . . Mason drew his mom--with two circles on her chest. "These are her boobs," he said. :)


  1. Katie, I love it! Write that one down in his baby book. I'm sad Quinn missed out today.

  2. That is so great! Thanks for the laugh, Mason!
