Thursday, February 11, 2010

Healthy Bodies

Tuesday's lessons were all about bodies and how we can keep them healthy. We discussed and read about four main ways to stay healthy: exercise, eat healthy foods, keep clean, and rest. Then we more fully experienced each method.

For exercising, we boogied to some fun preschool songs that required silly dancing...Including Go Bananas (thanks, Miss Yolanda). It should come as no surprise that Elizabeth, Quinn, and Miriam were totally into this. Ryann didn't enjoy it as much and looked forward to playtime when she could place the coveted plastic tiger into the helicopter for a long flight.

The kids knew a lot about healthy vs. unhealthy foods. They also seemed to understand the principal that it's okay to eat a little bit of unhealthy food as long as you first have plenty of good food to build your muscles and give you energy.

We had a highly anticipated whole grain popped snack and I placed two white chocolate chips in the bottom of each bowl of popcorn to illustrate the idea of treats after good food.

My favorite part of our lesson was about keeping clean. I acted out several situations where I made unhealthy choices (skipped hand washing after using bathroom, sneezed and coughed on all the preschoolers, got dressed without changing my undies for several days, washed only my tummy in the bath tub, played in the dirt and didn't wash hands before eating, etc.) and the kids laughed their heads off at me and explained how to do better.
Mason and Elizabeth were especially fastidious about their art project. And Elizabeth had forgotten her crayons, so several generous friends offered to share.

a demonstration of what our muscles and bones can do together...

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