Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Valentine's Day Prep

Hickety Pickety Bumble Bee was a big hit! Everyone sang and loved to stand up and hold the bee during their turn. Addi held the flag for the pledge of allegiance and she was so pleased to be the special flag holder she beamed all day. The rhyming eggs today had "an" endings and Elizabeth read all the words "The egg is in the books" by herself so everyone knew where to run to find the egg. We learned the letter V and practiced making it with our hands. Then we learned a fingerplay for Valentine's Day--here it is so you can do it at home:

I put my hands together,
This is how I start
I curl my fingers right around
And I can make a heart.

We sang a Valentine's version of BINGO--here it is as well--Miriam and Laine were such great singers, and they knew all the letters!

There is a shape
And it means love
And HEART is it's name-o
H E A R T . . . etc.

Stories for today were Roses are Pink Your Feet Really Stink, and One Zillion Valentines. Then we made "one zillion valentines". The kids were really creative with their valentines--they knew exactly who they wanted to make them for and they wanted to write all by themselves. Quinn especially--he wanted me to help him spell names of all his cousins and even after everyone else took off for playtime he wanted to stay and make valentines. We painted valentine mail boxes--which truthfully was almost a huge disaster because I gave all these little people their own bowls of water to clean their brushes. Can you picture it? As Tiffany says, "They may not have a lot of artistic ability but it's the process they enjoy."

We were fortunate today that the weather was warm and we got to play outside and ride bikes and scooters. Mason was SO happy riding bikes--he was smiling so big--and Ryann was really good at sharing her bike so everyone had a turn. We had pizza and veggies for lunch and overall it was a good day. My little Sydney wasn't as well-behaved as I would have liked--and Addi was especially concerned when I got baby Charlie out of her bed, "You have ANOTHER baby? Where did all these babies come from?" "My tummy" I explained. "My mommy doesn't have any babies in her tummy," she told me. :)

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